Friday, June 24, 2011

Jaded vs. Optimism... You Choose

I’ve often wondered why people speak into existence things they say they don't want… And preface there conjunctive conclusions with, “but”…. I wonder if they realize that everything they said before the “but” becomes a lie upon the injection… (but – cancels out your intentions... i.e, I was going to the store, but.... (YOU GET IT).

Emotions are instant reactions that others are able to recognize… immediately. Becoming jaded is a process that's potentially undetectable until it's too late. It creeps up on you like vodka; you have a few shots and you’re not feeling anything, then bang, out of nowhere you're smashed. Being jaded is one's subconscious decision to be cut off from the rest of the world and yet one can physically be around other people but emotionally disconnected… Even if he/she still has a social life with friends and random short term relationships such as dating or casual sex this doesn't mean their not jaded. It's means they've found sublevel substitutions to help take their mind off of things for a while but when the party's over rebounding with whatever activity puts then right back where they started - Jaded!

Webster describes the term JADED as Tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something.... world-weary, jaundiced, fed up, cynical, and overstimulated. What happens when we have too many options? Upon reflection, when I combine my age, my life experiences… I could take the high road here and say I’m jaded, but I shan't. I refuse to give that word power. I choose optimism. God loves me enough to protect me from excess pain and I feel blessed when he warns me… I had my feelings hurt before.... I could’ve thrown up my hands, in the end, I made a choice, their loss is anothers gain and my learning experiences are to be valued as such. I believe, that episodes as such makes one really appreciate the good people I do have in my life.

Let me share a story with you… When I was 8, I remember walking outside of the house and seeing my Grandpa, kneeling in the lawn, just looking at some flowers in our flowerbeds. He wasn’t weeding or feeding, them – he was just looking at them. Me, being a typical, inquisitive nature child,… I said, “paw-paw, whatcha doing”. Instead of getting swatted for my impertinence, my Grandpa, entertained my inquisition. Tippy (my nickname), "Every one of these flowers here came from the same momma plant. From a tiny little seed about the size of a grain of sand. I’m remember replying, “Like the ones down on Olcott”? He said, yes “Tippy” like Olcott…. only each and every one of them is slightly different.

I’m now 35 and I’m truly understanding what he meant. Everyone isn’t the same and shouldn’t be classified as such. Being jaded just reflects repeating the same old patterns. Since 92% of communication is about non-verbal & 8% is verbal, I vowed to learn what it takes to overcome "adversity”. After all, ones quality of life is determined by the quality of questions we ask ourselves. I've learned to fixed me and as my friend BB (Control What I can control)..., as I realized that bitterness and being jaded leads to fear, fear leads to the dark side and depravity to anger, anger to hate and hate leads to suffering. Who wan'ts all that... I never witnessed pessimism win a heart of greater depth. So too, it is not the will to love, but the will to prepare to love that makes all the difference.

When we look around in this beautiful world, with all its diversity and innate beauty – there is so much the universe has to offer us… Life is all about take risks with that someone WORTH SUFFERING for...Bob Marley.... It’s time to clear the mindset of the excess that creates rot. I’m no dummy, I recognize, it's impractical to trust everyone…. but leave a little room in your mind for the possibilities (Love Jones’n… )…. Being JADED is a habit! Break it... Live in the optimistic!

Measure not the work until the day is out and the labor done...



Upon our first...

By Chinaza M. D...

Upon our first...

....conversation...there was instantly the desire within my heart, for there to be many more. Like that scene in Star Trek, where Spock was killed...because he had touched the radiation core.

Upon our first...

...meeting... my schedule was instantly rearranged and your card flew to the front of my rolodex. You must ride a broom to work, for I feel as if I dance within a hex...or a spell. But I knew that my soul was forever yours, and no longer available for sale.

Upon our first...

... Kiss... my tongue bragged to my teeth...about you. Your mauve gates welcomed me, until your ivory met my ebony...and we made songs that Stevie could never have penned. Maybe this is the sound the dripping juice made, as it fell from Adam's chin...depicting his very sin.

Upon our first...

... feet were taken back in time to before the fall of man, where we never walked, but flew w/ soft wings as God led. Your energy is like sacred scriptures written upon eggshells, and I choose to incubate our dreams instead.

I am like he was...just kill me, for I desire not to be free. But I long to be held in this moment until forever gets too old, and a new saga is unleashed.

I want to walk with you until we run out of earth, and yet I smile knowing that our steps will never cease.

Our first is like that first ray of light..after God had looked in the darkness, and spoken

Like the Kings, as they went to see the Christ child...and brought their most valuable tokens Like a new artist, turning on the radio, and hearing their music for the very first time... Or deaf lovers, after they made love...and their passion can only be conveyed by hand signs

Our first is like that...

It's like this...Like that over there...and all of that other

It's like the strength of the father, coupled with the love of the mother

The sound of the baby's her first attempted try

The orgasm so sweet...that it makes even the man to cry

Our moment reigns among mortals, as if it was a play that was written by Don Juan himself.

Somewhat like that cancer survivor, at hearing that they are now in perfect health

Our first...

So enchanted, so complete...and yet so exsquisite that I am like an addict...demanding more and forever was I hooked

Upon our first...I just knew the search was over, and from that moment...I had resigned to the desire to not look.

I was available to be his... but he would not have me...

For first... things first...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Deadly Dangerous Excuses....

What is Wealthy Minded Chinaza thinking about today?! Check it out: or via..

Luke 14:16-24 (Chinaza's translation)

There was a man who made some soul fool and invited many to come over. He sent his servant out to tell everyone that dinner was read. This man (the servant) was a part of the elite, possibly even royalty. Surely those that were invited came in expectation that this food was going to be aaaaaaaaaaaaamazing! Right! and were all just standing by waiting for the servant to knock on their door to alert them that its time. This, however, wasn't the case. Seemingly, every one that was invited had some EXCUSES to give the servant as to why they could not attend. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Why would you reject the King? Surely God’s people would not do such things. Or would they?

Chinaza's message: How is that YOU can PROCLAIM to operate in a spirit of EXPECTATION and NOT SHOW when the feast is laid out at your feet? What’s even more interesting about this story is that these were the very same people who prayed for the very things they had (kind of like US).... , but oh, now you have it made in the shade, you think you've arrived, the King lay's out dinner (has a blessing in wait) and here YOU come with these EXCUSES: I'm sorry God, work came up (one was an investor or a realtor who said, in Luke 14:18 – I just bought a piece of land and I have to go see it – I pray you excuse me); WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT... so the “man” who has a blessing that can trump what you already have – you gave an excuse to and you guessed it (they missed their bigger blessing)…

Excuses have been DESTROYING people since the beginning of man? WHY in the world do YOU keep making them?

Don’t you remember when Adam, concerning sin ( And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.) … hmmm

Aaron concerning the golden calf ( And I said unto them, Whosoever hath any gold, let them break it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fire, and there came out this calf.

Moses concerning going to Egypt (And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?)… Exodus 4:1 and Moses answered and said, But, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say – the LORD has not appeared unto thee”.)
Gideon concerning deliverance from Midian ( And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house.
The slothful man concerning going out ( The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets)
I'm JUST SAYING: He prepared the table and put in the work – ALL YOU HAD TO DO IS SHOW UP….

But instead …. But instead… you forced him to take back his invitation

Now the irony, those with the excuses.... who were SOooooo BUSY, HAD TO work, JUST couldn’t make time, said things like, I don't do things like that, I don't have time for this... I have a wife, I have a husband, I have a farm to attend to, I have land I need to see, I need to pray about it… blah blah… blah.. (those people who “thought they had it going on” MISSES IT)… and as a result, the man sent his servant BACK out to extend the invitation TO OTHERS so that his house would be filed (SO HE TOOK YOUR BLESSING AWAY - YOU CAN'T GET IT BACK and he gave it to those who would really appreciate it (WITHOUT EXCUSES) – would you know the man went to the streets and found THE BLIND, THE LAME, THE HALT… those who weren’t consumed with their possessions, their busy schedules, their family life, their false images and persona's – but those who would really appreciate the BLESSING…and he BLESSED THEM...

Conclusion: GET IT TOGETHER! What kind of excuses have you made? Are you going to continue to miss out on some opportunities because you have failed to accept the invitation(s) extended to you? Drop the excuses or continue to miss out on all HE has for you - Get back to GOD!

Oh and by the way, for all of you who have given me excuses! Thank you.... Please know. I still have those gifts that will change your life? – and all are welcome. Did I mention, we don’t accept excuses - either (one man's trash is anothers treasure! Excuses are the tools of the incompetent! Where there is a will – there is a way! The danger in excuses – is lethal to ones life….

Chinaza says!

Friday, June 10, 2011


It's a scorching morning here in Atlanta. I sit in Starbucks and I reflect on where God has allowed me to go, the people He has allowed me to meet, the work I've been blessed to do and the things He's allowed me to accomplish - I came to the conclusion a long-time ago that NOTHING, I do or have done is, has been, or was ever about me. It's about YOU (OTHERS). It’s a blessing to be used to impact economic and social change and it’s ever so empowering to aid in the termination and/or shift of the poor, excuse ridden mindset. It’s an anatomic rush... when you participate in and see lives changed and your able to LIVE on PURPOSE! I HAVE FOR THE MASSES, A SOLUTION and I MUST SHARE IT!


However, I'm led to share a few things first... for critics, skeptics, naysayers, excuse makers. The lifestyle I live must be shared and having been charged with helping more people get to this side, – the “mindsets of comfort, poverty and excuses must be combatted".

Why are we turning a blind-eye to our own potential and our community’s needs, when SOMEONE is depending upon YOU/ME/US to show up? Why are we turning a blind eye to helping OTHERS? Amazing enough, none of us are blind to the increased crime rates, the impoverished education systems that we DUMP our children into, lay-offs, increased unemployment rates, welfare reform, hunger and/or healthcare issues. We participate gladly in economic downfalls, we stay silent and fall IN LOVE with a broken system and as a result we remain trapped in the modern day form of slavery. Due to fear of loss - OUR INACTION and SILENCE is killing US!

WE WATCH all these things happening before our EYES and yet we become gossipers about the problems; spectators in our own demise. YET, the moment a solution comes knocking on our doorsteps that can change lives (including ours) -- WE disappear and hideout with the masses (those 90 percenters)... then have the gall to become skeptics, critics, analysts, traditionalist and as a result we remain STUCK in our coffins. Amazing how quick we can draw on our potential to say NO, NOT FOR ME, NOPE, I’m GOOD and base our objections on what didn't work for OTHERS! We kill our potential - because the truth of the matter is WERE afraid change and success and FAIL at recognizing the very things we've sought out the universe for.

The Alchemist says - the Universe will conspire to bring you all that you ask for. Good, Bad or Indifferent!

If, you're an organizer, minister, pastor, promoter, activist, wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother or a human over the age of 18! YOU are accountable! You have the capacity to ride this wave in! You’re not reading this by accident! This is divine appointment! It’s okay if you don’t agree. But you have the info and now your a responsible. It's time to SHIFT! Move out of your own way and MOVE forward. PERIOD!


How long will we witness the masses suffering, and PROCLAIM, its NOT MY PROBLEM. IT is your problem... you have tools to give... to those looking for a handouts or a hand-ups! Instead of kicking people who are down, YOU are responsible for educating and leading from the front and being the change we know is needed.

Again, this is just one woman's opinion that can't be sugar coated it, as enough people have done that and as a result, many die at 21 waiting to be buried by 65 – because they stopped dreaming and have let the opinions of others suffocate them - and those seeking help, know the ones with the means and resources are being selfish and NOT delivering.

Allow to me say this, we can create all the programs we want, get all the great degrees and JOBS (Journeys of the Broke), read and commentate on everyone’s else's life (versus building one of our own), even continue to ingest the rhetoric of broke people, poor mindsets and continue to seek out the opinions of those who really desire nothing more than to be comfortable... and don't have a dream to give you to replace the one you gave up on ... However, I promise you - while you’re looking for an excuse, relishing in YOUR OWN comfort... there is a grave-digger looking for a plot to bury you in.

Many who follow me no I HATE excuses and I do mean HATE. They are the death of dreams, the fertilizer of selfishness and a result they become the roots of generational curses. I watch and amazing enough, many will turn around and complain about what we need more of - but won't go get it! WAKE UP, it isn't coming to you.. ITS HERE and IF YOU KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED - like you do with everything else - YOU WILL SADLY MISS IT!

Stopping hope'n, wish'en and pray'en for relief, or a breakthrough to magically fall out of the sky. YET do nothing different when it comes! So many won't breakout, breakthrough, or walk-out God's promises (because they are watching YOU - their examples and its becoming CYCLIC) and as a result - change never happens -- and WE WONDER WHY!

Faith without works … is DEAD! DEAD.... 6FT UNDER... I DID SAY DEAD! DONE! FINITO!

If you look around, our actions clearly indicate that were not only too comfortable, we are too casual , and won't do the real work... we WANT to remain in the rat race, spin our wheels in the same systems that are BOLDY, TELLING YOU - FAILURE IS THE END RESULT... were heading back to the great depression.... and going NO WHERE FAST... Allow me for a few more minutes to as my daughter would say "keep it 100". THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL - RISE TO THE OCCASION!!

Look around? How many people around you are hurting? How does it feel to have the ability and knowledge to help change a family's life and still DO NOTHING with it? Perhaps you have it all made in the shade - well if you DO - YOUR HELP is really needed! WAKE UP. It's NO LONGER ABOUT YOU! IT'S JUST NOT! I don't care what you do -YOU CAN HELP someone else and it’s time to change legacies and GENERATIONS - DO THAT!

I don't go to funerals anymore. I can't take the despair or death of dreams or ingest the stories of could've, would've, should've. I don't wish to see people shedding tears of regret, falling out over a coffins, and ultimately fighting over the bills NOT wills.. Uncle or Auntie, Momma, or Daddy didn't prepare of have what they need to take care of the generations coming behind them and watch another wasted life get placed 6 feet under... THE LIVING NEEDS YOU - NOW!

What will you leave behind? What will you be known for? Whose life will you change? What EXAMPLE will you have SET? It's time out for the excuses!! PERIOD!!

This weekend, the Tsunami (Chinaza) is coming to Charlotte, NC ( with a proven solution that is changing lives and empowering change - 10 YEARS OF GREATNESSS I might add!

It's time to BE ABOUT IT. Join me on this assignment that CANNOT be accomplished alone! Don't miss this. We know everyone can’t be saved. In the words of my brother Orlanda "It's going down". For those that want to get onboard. Information is FREE and its cost you nothing to obtain it. It could cost you everything to stand by and DO NOTHING!

Wake up, open your eyes… break out and stop searching for and/or making excuses. Take the first step and change SOMEONE else's life (and yours will change dramatically by default in the process – as will your finances)...

Those who have no vision of their own – will perish and remain a slave to someone else's..... Yes, it's lonely at the top and that's okay... I’d personally rather go there…. then to have company at the bottom...


See you soon!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Committed or just in it....

There are a lot of things that we are taught in life, but the one we are never really taught is how to be in a healthy and happy relationship. It is almost like we assume that just because we found someone that of the opposite sex or the same sex that we are interested in that things should just work out. But, the truth is that there is more to a relationship than just attraction, and like anything that we want to be successful at a relationship takes continuous work and commitment.

Deep down we all have a desire to love and be loved, but we may not know how to go about it. For most of us we learn how to be in relationships from our parents and the other people in our immediate circle. If we see drama, jealousy, abuse or cheating than we assume that, that is what people do in relationships, but it doesn’t have to be that way. To achieve the relationship that you desire is really all in the commitment. Not just the commitment to another person but a commitment to yourself to have a great relationship. Just because you see something doesn’t meant that, that it is the way things should be. What matters is what feels good to you and what make you feel good.

To have the right relationship first starts with finding the that someone that you are of course attracted to, but that you connect, with on a deeper level, someone that you have shared interest with, as well as common goals and beliefs. But, what really makes a relationship successful is mutual love and respect. It is about being fearless, and not worrying about the what if’s, and the what could possibly go wrong, or giving up when things get tough, but committing to working at making your relationship the best it can be. That starts with being loving, kind, thoughtful, and considerate. It is about giving exactly what it is you claim to want - which is love. Love through the good times and the challenging times.

I'm just saying... What good is it to buy the cow ... If your getting the milk for free.... Are you committed or just in it?!

Night Dreaming... Love Jones...

The hair was fly... the swexy swaga was in place and the tone was set --- sushi.... great wine, side eyes and subliminal language accompanied with an underlining passion, a fire fueled by our intensity and mutual desire that resonated across the table via crunchy california rolls, red wine and the sweetness of resiling...

The wow factor was his attention to detail, the inside laughters that weren't.... as "they" thought in unison with those who were around us, a telepathic moment...that (only we "got") and our suggestive behaviors.... Ah yes... the tone was set and it was understood that truly the simplest pleasure would be giving pleasure.... time to go... Check please! why is it when you're ready timing is a factor....

Love Jones....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's TIME to seperate the Fan's from the Players...Its time to Play the Game

The tides are changing in my YOUR LIFE. Ask me how I know -- I know God and I know Change is the only thing Constant.... its funny I used to look at trouble and adversity as a form of jinx, I used to take it hard and I used to think that it was only going to get worse. I used to think that when God took something away from me that it was just the end and well I was doomed to struggle.... Notice I said "I USED TO" , that chapter closed in my life a long time ago.

However, I received a revelation that opened my eyes and brought about great clarity in this season. It's time to dream, its time to look around you and identify your starting lineup, its time to see if the players on your team are still qualified and capable of playing alongside you... How strong is your defensive stance... MAN its time to get it cracking...
If you allow me, I want to share with you my story in hopes that you will learn why Freedom in every area of your life is so00000 important. Freedom from corporate slavery, freedom from opinons of man, freedom from any form of bondage in your life...

In that I ask you this vitally important question? Are you up against the grain and are you living a life contradictory to the purpose that you've been called to? Because that's when you can usually deterime just how healthly you and your team are! See, when you live outside of the will of God, you're living in CONTRADICTION and your defending the very people on your team... you'll get that in a minute...

You see its in the moments of CONTRADICTION that brings about moments of CONDEMATION which are brief moments that brings your spirit down to no HOPE – but then we realize that there is no CONDEMNATION to those that are in Christ Jesus… and suddenly a moment of CRISIS follows….

When a CRISIS arises it sometimes comes to tell us that if we don't CHANGE… something destructive is bound to happen…taking us to a place of no return…you have to realize that your PURPOSE is NOT about you… its not about satisfying your personal desires, its not about how you feel, not about taking that which doesn't belong and surely its not worth being outside of his will and living in CONDEMNATION or DESTRUCTION.

Please understand that in this season THERE IS MORE ON THE LINE THAN YOUR PLEASURE… destiny awaits – and trust me when you get there, you'll have plenty of time to satisfy your soul… the right way.Let me share a little story with you: In order to catch a monkey, hunters place a piece of fruit inside of a cage, the hunter knows that the MONKEY's desire for the fruit is so strong; strong enough to lure him to the trap; So the monkey, being the intellectual being that it is thinks he's smart and instead of going into the cage he reaches through the bars and grabs the fruit, after he gets the fruit he holds on to it and forms a fist, which stays closed tightly... unable to pull his fist back through the cage – the hunter then throws his net and suddenly the monkey finds himself trapped in the hunters net. Caught up and all because he wouldn't let go!Doesn't that sound like us --- when the ENEMY comes to us with the things we like, he sets it out on a silver platter and he hides behind a tree watching and waiting to see if we "go for it":

But oh if we could ONLY LET GO! Let go of greed and unforgiveness, let go of the pain of the one who did us wrong, let go of lust, let go of the things that hold our flesh to the fire and all those other distractions that keep us bound, trapped and away from our destiny.
Oh only if when he or she called... you could tell him or her I want to live for GOD and I'm not going to meet you... Oh if only I could forgive her because she took my man… Oh if only I could forgive my daddy who was never there for me twenty years ago, see once you've had your moment of CRISIS it is then followed by the moment of CONFUSION... this moment comes when your so frustrated that you want to throw up your hands up, you cant understand why things are happening the way they are in your life, you can't understand why all these doors are closing, you can't understand which way to turn, because your so used to the lies that you experienced in your state of CONTRADICTION and now as you've begun to see the way to your purpose in your state of CRISIS…. you find yourself in a moment of CONFUSION, a moment when your spirit will fabricate a new theology to merely keep you trapped in the state that you were in. It is in the moment of confusion that man takes the bible and says... well in the old days, a man had more than one wife and in the word its says, I can have what I say I can have… we spiritual beings like to call those Exso-Jesus, in short in the moment of CONFUSION we manipulate GODS word for our exclusive benefit.

The moment of CONFUSION is the followed by a moment of CONVICTION.... this is the moment where GOD shows you a way out – the great exit sign! It's in this moment that you know that your deliverance is now... The moment of CONVICTION is followed by a moment of CONCESSION... this is the moment when you fall before God and say LORD do with me what you need to do... these are the moments that bring about change... the moments after you've asked for help and God sends you power in the name of Jesus and this very same power will evict the devil... this power CHANGES you... Trust me… change is still taking place... even though Jesus died some 2000 ago, his power is still the same today... he still changes… his blood still covers… he still redeems… he still forgives…The moment of CHANGE leads you to a moment of CELEBRATION... its that very moment where you can look back from where you've come from... the very moment that you know that HE got you out of the miry clay, the moment you realize that GOD HAND PICKED you for such a time as this and that every thing else was a distraction on your way to fulfilling your pre-destined purpose.

The question I ask you in this moment is how long will you continue to be distracted knowing all that you know – knowing that YOU were set apart and are called to be extraordinary in God's sight. Don't worry about your haters, your enemies, those who left you, those who slandered your name, instead pray a DOUBLE PORTION for them. Continue to PRAY God's peace in their life. LET GO! and LIVE ON PURPOSE!I AM FREE TODAY... BECAUSE GOD LIFTED ME UP!! OUT FROM THE FIRE...GOD SHOWED ME THAT YOU COULD BURY FREEDOM… BUT YOU CANT KILL IT… and the road I've traveled is by any means glamorous. I'm alive today because God knew that he could put into my womb life that would populate nations, life that would heal broken hearts, life that would manifest change across the world, and while the enemy tries to get to go to that fruit of destruction; you have to learn to die daily and continue to carry the cross that he give us to bear, remembering that if they could crucify him, imagine what they will try to do to you and me. Why because there are nations waiting on your arrival. Personally, once I realized that it was me that had to go to the lands…

I began to open my heart and allow GOD to prepare me for these places.., and its been so exciting. Open up your heart – LET GO, LIVE ON PURPOSE… and move onward… there is a HEAVEN here on earth and God's waiting on you to join the party so that he can CELEBRATE with you!
Leap and the net will appear and remember, if nobody told you today,.. I Love you! From the heart and mind of Chinaza Duson